NYC – 2022
Free Golf Initiative:
Urban Accessibility
Since founding Whim Golf in 2019, "Free Golf" has been the cornerstone of our creative approach to grow the game at the top of the funnel by converting non golfers to golfers. Over this time period we have designed and opened 7 unique Free Golf Putting Green installations across New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and Augusta, GA.
"Free Golf" carries two meanings. First, to liberate golf from the stigma that governs who belongs in the game. Second, to offer unprecedented free access to the game in densely populated urban areas in the US.
Chicago - 2019
LA - 2021
Our putting greens over the last 4 years have welcomed over 15,000 people to the game.
NYC - 2023
NYC - 2019
According to the National Golf Research Foundation, a child with a parent who plays golf has a 1-in-4 chance of picking up the game, while a child without a parent who plays golf has a 1-in-250 chance of picking up the game. Our focus from 2021-2031 is to convert as many non-golfers into golfers between the ages of 18-34, so that in 10 years, when they have kids, they'll be ready to usher in a youth movement in golf.
Whim Golf Grill Shack, Georgia, 2023
NYC – Opening 2024